Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sex Education for students with disabilities

This websites is wonderful resource for teachers in teaching children with disabilities about sexual health. This site gives practical advice, flash cards and wonderful ideas in conveying a difficult topic for students who need careful clarification.

Sex, etc.

This website, created by teens for teens, is a place for teens to talk about the important issues that they face, including sex, race, and their rights. Produced by the Network for Family Life Education.

The Hormone Factory

This is the only colorful (game-like) website I found. Students click on one of four icons: about sex, what's happening to me, looking after myself and making babies to learn information about sexual health. This site is geared to tweens between the ages of 10-12.

I Wanna Know

This is a fun, interactive site which includes games and articles about sex, decision-making, puberty, STD's, peer pressure, and more. It is a website of the American Social Health Association.


This site is colorful and jazzy to appeal to teenagers; there is even a condom coloring contest. Teens can talk to teens about sexual health and HIV or they can ask advice from an expert. Articles such as on the pill, short or patch? You still need condoms to protect against STDS inform students about myths of being sexually healthy.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

National Geographic in Space

This site offers games, videos and articles about space. It is an interactive program where you can either play at level 2-5 grades, 6-8 grades, or higher. As you click on each planet, the student learns interesting facts geared to their reading level. Articles include "Is Pluto No Longer a Planet? and The Planet Song. There are even web links to moon exploration and stars.

Arty the Astronaut

Take off for fun and adventure with Arty, the part-time astronaut. Nice animation guides you through this site as you learn about the solar system, and play online games and activities. Interesting facts flash across the computer screen ( a new fact each day). The phase of the moon for the day is found in the bottom right hand corner. This site also includes a printable teacher's guide that looks awesome to use in the classroom in conjunction with this website and a lesson about the planets.

Galaxies Galore, Games and More

This site is designed for elementary students to use their observational, pattern recognition, and classification skills to learn about galaxies. In these activities students will become acquainted with the structure of their home galaxy, learn the location of the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy, and identify the three main types of galaxies: spiral, elliptical and irregular.

Welcome to the Planets

Welcome to the Planets is an outstanding resource for teachers wishing to incorporate planetary studies into their curriculum. This website includes colored pictures of the planets and access to information on their masses, densities, revolution and rotation periods, mean temperatures, atmospheric components, etc. Also, there are colored pictures of space exploration vehicles with information on their structures, assemblies, orbiting information, and dates of deployments. Included within this website is a glossary of terms.

Solar System Fun

Kids can have fun learning and exploring the world around them. This site contains information for students to learn about the nine planets with games and activities. They can be a citizen scientist to improve Martian maps, take part in research tasks, and assist Mars science teams studying data about the Red Planet. Nine other games and activities introduce students to astronomers, size of planets, and making paper models of their favorite spacecraft.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rocks and Minerals

This website is broken into five domains: research/informational sites, online lesson plans, online activities, offline lesson plans, and offline activities. My favorite site was the rock cycle song which I used in my 1st grade earth science lesson plan.


This site is a good informational site for students to use in researching concepts in weather or as supplementary material for a weather unit. The main areas of this site are Tropical Weather, Local Weather, Expert Weather, Weather Tools, Weather Q & A, and Weatherboy Online. The two areas that would be most informative for students are the Local Weather and Weatherboy Online. The Local Weather allows students to get weather information from any area in the US. The information includes 4 day forecasts, satellite images, precipitation and radar images. Also there is an area called Dr. Dewpoint, where questions can be answered. Weather boy is an animated character that explains concepts of weather and the how's and why's of weather.

Earth Science resources to use in K-12 Science classes

This site contains over a hundred links to information, interactive, games, quizzes, etc. focusing on Earth Science. One of my favorites was Science Odyssey: You Try It: Plate Tectonics--a hands-on exercise about plate tectonics and earthquakes from PBS.


This site contains six areas to visit about geology: The Earth Today, Geology in the News, Virtual Classroom, Virtual Field Trips, Inside Geology, and Glossary. My favorite function is the virtual field trips where students can link to local geological surveys and information from around the world.

For Kids Only--Earth Science

This kids only site has tons of information. Kids can find out all about hurricanes, tropical rainfall, air pressure, each science, and El Ni3O graphing. My favorite part of this site includes the virtual coloring book where students can color in maps that demonstrate topics such as biosphere location.

Interview a Scientist on Earth Science

This site is for all ages, students and teachers. It has shows that include text and audio, articles on Earth science, a teacher's lounge that has listings of resources for teachers, contests for kids, and more. My favorite part to this website are the interview done with scientists. Students who have reading disabilities can click on any topic and listen and view the scientist discuss the topic.

The Globe Program

The GLOBE (Global learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) program is a world-wide network of students, teachers and scientists engaged in a tele-collaboration project to do meaningful real-life science. In the GLOBE Program, students make environmental observations and report their data findings on the Internet. Scientists use the students' data to formulate atmospheric models, then provide feedback to the students. The measurements conducted by the students include air temperature, cloud observations, precipitation, surface water temperature and pH, soil moisture, biometrics, land cover assessment and species identification. Students also share findings and communication with other students using e-mail from the web site. GLOBE includes excellent descriptions equipment and procedures for data acquisition and a user-friendly searchable data archive. The unique aspect of the GLOBE Program is that students are interactive partners with scientists.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Interactions of Matter

This interactive website teaches students how to choose features associated with physical changes. Matter in the Science Lab allows students to select matter in the list of labs. This illustraction names the physical state of objects. When they click on water changes state near the top of the matter window they will then hold down the blue button to lower the temperature of water to freezing, then old down the red button till water boils. This teaches students property changes of liquid, solid, and steam. They gain further information by clicking on the book in the bottome left corner to read more about matter.

Fun with Friction

This is an interactive website for primary students to investigate the effect of different surfaces. They select how surface characteristics affect the movement of an object.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire

This website is set up like the Who Wants to be a Millionaire game on TV. It has life lines, 50/50 and call a friend. The questions are all geared to information on magnetism within the physical science domain. Children can have a fun time trying to make it to the top and gain vast domain about magnetism. This site is geared to primary information around the third grade.

Magnets and Springs

This animated virtual website allows children to experiment with magnets and springs and addresses the following standard: select an object that would be attracted by a magnet. Children can use this interactive site to experiment with which objects are attracted to a magnet, then take a quiz on the knowledge they have gained. The side bar allows the child to choose at what age the material will be delivered.

Forces and Motion

This website is an animated virtual website that teaches kids about forces and motion. It has a side bar where you can sign in to play at the age you are (for example 6 to 7 or 8 to 9). The standard it addresses: identify that an unbalanced force is needed to change the direction of an object. This site allows you to investigate how various forces affect movement.

The Virtual Science Lab

You do have to sign up for an account at this website but it is free and once you do it is totally amazing. You pick the grade between PRE-K and 6th grade and then you have a choice of labs to do: atoms, cells, earthquakes, food chains, gravity, human body, magnetism, matter, minerals, etc. The labs are very fun and full of information.

Grade Websites

This website contains hundreds of websites which are coordinated to 1st grade standards. It is divided into the three domains of science: life, physical, earth and space. There are one to three interactive, informational and/or quiz sites per standard under each domain.

Same as above but for second grade standards in science with websites pertaining to these standards.

Same as the other two except it is for third grade standards.

You get the picture by now.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Plant Nutrition

Plant Nutrition

Find out the nutrients plants need, soil testing, fertilizer, and tips for growing lawns and gardens. This site also has a coloring book and quiz area for kids to have fun with.

Worms and Soil

Adventures of herman (the worm)
Herman will tell you why worms are important, not just to the soil, but to plants as well. You'll also learn about the history of the worm, the parts of his body, where he lives, and what he eats.

Middle School FOSS websites

This website can connect a student to 9 websites where they can have either virtual or interactive learning within each subject matter. They are colorful and fun and coordinate to both the FOSS kits and the WA standards for science for grades 7 & 8. Each can be accessed individually by typing the first section ( and then adding on the subject you want to access (human brain and senses.index.html). The 9 subjects are:

Chemical interaction Diversity of Life Earth History
Electornics Force and Motion Human Brain and Senses
Planetary Science Populations and Ecosystms Weather and Water

Mid level Elementary FOSS sites

This website can connect a student to 21 websites where they can have either virtual or interactive learning within each subject matter. They are colorful and fun and coordinate to both the FOSS kits and the WA standards for science for grades 3-6. Each can be accessed individually by typing the first section ( and then adding on subject you want to access (human body.index.html). The 21 subjects are:

Grades 3-4 Human Body Magnetism and Electricity Water
Structures of Life Physics of Sound Earth Material
Ideas and Inventions Measurement Water Planet
Living Systems Matter and Energy Space, moon & stars

Grades 5-6 Food and Nutrition Levers and Pulleys Solar Energy
Environments Solutions Variables
Landforms Models and Design

Early elementary FOSS site

This website can connect a student to 12 websites where they can have either virtual or interactive learning within each subject matter. They are colorful and fun and coordinate to both the FOSS kits and teh WA state standards for science. Each can be accessed individually by typing the first section ( and then adding on the subject you want to access (tree.index.html). The 12 subjects are:

Kindergarten Trees Wood Fabric Animals two by two Paper

Grades 1-2 New Plants Solids and Liquids Air and Weather
Insects Insects and plants Balance and Motion
Plants and Animals Pebbles, Sand, and Silt